Monday, October 26, 2009

Kosher gifts in Colorado for Chanukah

On Hanukkah, which means to dedicate, the Jews regained control of Jerusalem and rededicated the Temple. After recovering Jerusalem and the Temple, Judah ordered the Temple to be cleansed, a new altar to be built and new holy vessels to be made. According to the Talmud, olive oil was required for the Temple’s menorah, which needed to burn all through the night for 8 nights. They only had enoughsufficient oil for 1 night. Miraculously it burned for eight days which was how long it took to make new oil for the menorah. Hanukkah is the celebration of this miracle.

Kosher comes from a whole set of rules that come from the Torah, which are enormously complex and explicity states which are permitted and banned. Animals must have cloven hoves and chew their cud. Fish must have fins and scales. Other types of food must be in part prepared by a Jewish person. It differs how closely people go by these requirements.
During the holiday season many Jewish people embrace very closely to the rules of Kosher food. Therefore, it is important when chosing food to present to your Jewish friend and business partners that you consult someone that recognizes Kosher food requirement. Giving gifts to your Jewish friends during the Chanukah holiday season will prove that you respect their beliefs.

Hanukkah Gift Basket
Basketsbyrita understands Kosher food and offers a few options for gift giving. This year’s Hanukkah celebration takes place December 11 – 19, 2009. Often times businesses give gifts to their clients and to show their appreciation. If they give a Kosher gift they show they have paid attention. So, for the Jewish business people on your list select a Kosher gift basket as a corporate thank you gift basket. Our organic fruit gift basket is also a good choice for a Hanukkah gift basket. The Chanukah gift basket contains foods that meet the conditions to be called Kosher. Basketsbyrita also includes menorah candles for the Menorah to add to the celebration. I great way to demonstrate respect for your friends and clients at the holiday season.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Kosher gifts in Colorado for Chanukah

On Hanukkah, which means to dedicate, the Jews regained control of Jerusalem and rededicated the Temple. After recovering Jerusalem and the Temple, Judah ordered the Temple to be cleansed, a new altar to be built and new holy vessels to be made. According to the Talmud, olive oil was required for the Temple’s menorah, which needed  to burn all through the night for 8 nights. They only had enoughsufficient oil for 1 night.  Miraculously it burned for eight days which was how long it took to make new oil for the menorah.  Hanukkah is the celebration of this miracle.

Kosher comes from a whole set of rules that come from the Torah, which are enormously complex and explicity states which are permitted and banned.  Animals must have cloven hoves and chew their cud. Fish must have fins and scales. Other types of food must be in part prepared by a Jewish person. It differs how closely people go by these requirements.
During the holiday season  many Jewish people embrace very closely to the rules of Kosher food. Therefore, it is important when chosing food to present to your Jewish friend and business partners that you consult someone that recognizes Kosher food requirement. Giving gifts to your Jewish friends during the Chanukah holiday season will prove that you respect their beliefs.

Hanukkah Gift Basket
Basketsbyrita understands Kosher food and offers a few options for gift giving.  This year’s Hanukkah celebration takes place December  11 – 19, 2009. Often times businesses give gifts to their clients and to show their appreciation. If they give a Kosher gift they show they have paid attention. So, for the Jewish business people on your list select a Kosher gift basket as a corporate thank you gift basket.  Our organic fruit gift basket is also a good choice for a Hanukkah gift basket.  The Chanukah gift basket contains foods that meet the conditions to be called Kosher.  Basketsbyrita also includes menorah candles for the Menorah to add to the celebration. I great way to demonstrate respect  for your friends and clients at the holiday season.


About Me

I am a Colorado native and I graduated from Regis University. I worked for Hewlett-Packard for 18 years in Human Resources. I purchased Baskets by Rita and I am enjoying applying my corporate knowledge to improve this company.