If you know a tax preparation specialist, CPA, lawyer or a college student, you may be aware of the stresses they bear this time of year. Preparing for and cranking through reams of paperwork or studying for midterms, finals, or that big test can truly take it out of somebody. You many times can’t be there to help them, but want to prove to them that you are thinking of them. There is no need for you to stress out trying to find something to lighten their stress, so we have a few ideas. These are quick to choose and quick to order if you feel it’s correct for your situation. These items are organized in two categories – first items to help someone survive the peak period. These are normally caffeine and chocolate rich items that will help keep them going. Second are items to help them wind down. One thing busy people can always use is a few munchies to hold them over until their next meal or to help them with their “all nighter”. Baskets by Rita has a couple of well timed ideas for gifts that can help that student, lawyer or CPA during those long days. For the caffeine lover night owl, there’s the Chocolate and Coffee basket that offers assorted chocolates with Starbucks frappuchino and coffees. Here are two tastes that are sure to please and keep things cranking into the wee hours. If they don't like coffees but could still use a bit of caffeine, a stress relief basket might be the perfect gift. This basket includes a can of Red Bull with a perfect variety of munchies. They also get a stress ball to squeeze when a client (or professor) is being extremely difficult. The survival gift basket is another high-quality choice. It contains caffeine both in the Monster drink as well as the frappuccino. It also contains a quality mix of convenient munchies to to get them through. OK, so much for the caffeine injected choices. You can really help them relax after a endless day. If caffeine is the last thing they need, you might think about something to help them relax after a stressful day. Our first choice is focused on the hard-working female. A great choice for relaxation is the Luxury Spa Gift Basket. This comes in a galvanized metal tub filled with lotions, scrubs, soaps and even a relaxing CD. This is undoubtedly the most romantic choice on this list. A gift that will relieve the overstressed frantic people in your life is a gift indeed. If you like this article please follow us on Facebook or Twitter. http://www.basketsbyrita.com http://www.basketsbyrita.com/Chocolate-and-Coffee-Gift-Basket_p_56.html http://www.basketsbyrita.com/Stress-Relief-Gift-Basket_p_50.html http://www.basketsbyrita.com/Survival-Gift-Basket_p_52.html http://www.basketsbyrita.com/Luxury-Spa-Gift-Basket_p_143.html http://www.facebook.com/basketsbyrita http://twitter.com/basketsbyrita
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
History Of The Celebration Fathers Day
Did you know that Father's Day has officially only been in existence since 1972. It took 4 presidents and a Maine senator to ultimately make it official. Mother’s Day had been around for approximately 60 years by then. Sonora Smart was the first person to suggest Father’s Day to recognize her Father who was left to raise his 6 children when his wife died giving birth to their 6th child. It was then proposed to complement Mother’s day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting. At present Father's Day is celebrated on a range of dates around the world and typically involves gifting, extraordinary dinners to dads, and family-focused activities. To help in support of Father’s day young members of the YMCA went to church sporting a rose: a red rose to recognize a living father, and a white rose to honor a deceased one. Oddly enough enough Father's Day was in jeopardy of disappearing from the calendar while Mother's Day was met with enthusiasm, Father's Day was often met with snickering. Not all dads are similar! OK, so you’re thinking what in the world can I get my dad for Father’s day? I don’t live at home any more and haven't a clue what he wants. You aren’t actually considering purchasing a gift card to Lowe’s or Home Depot are you? That’s about as personal as a another wool sweater. You may not live at home any more, but you probably have a good idea of what your dad favors – is he a beer fan? A chocolate lover? How about a wine expert? I’ve found that on the internet there are loads of gift that men would seriously like for a gift that are simple to order. I know, maybe you always thought “baskets” were for ladies, but once you check out a beer tub, you will have a new opinion. If your dad’s inclinations are for wine, you’ll notice that they can be delivered not only a nice wine of your choice, but also an incredible set of complementary foods that make a very nice package. These gift baskets for a guy would be the right gift for dear old dad on Father's day. So let’s say your dad is a soda drinker and he is also a big nut fan. All you need to do is order Colorado Rockies Baseball Gift Basket for a man that fits the bill. The most important part of the whole gift is your message on the card attached so be heart-felt. Some on-line gift baskets companies will even custom design that gift basket to really fit your dad’s choices. http://www.basketsbyrita.com http://www.basketsbyrita.com/Colorado-Rockies-Baseball-Gift-Basket_p_218.html http://www.twitter.com/basketsbyrita http://www.facebook.com/basketsbyrita
About Me
- Baskets by Rita
- I am a Colorado native and I graduated from Regis University. I worked for Hewlett-Packard for 18 years in Human Resources. I purchased Baskets by Rita and I am enjoying applying my corporate knowledge to improve this company.