Making a awesome first impression is at the heart of management and job skill musts. Whether you are applying for a job or managing a assignment it is a strategy tool that ranks among the most critical. You want to get off to a excellent start. One article contends that within 3 seconds someone evaluates you by your appearance, your body language, you mannerisms, and the way you present yourself. We make impressions by our actions, what we say and by what others say about us. To make a great impression you must know what was said about you or how you are seen. If it is good you come with a good track record. If it was not you have a opportunity to change that impression. How you present yourself IS the impression. That first impression must be effective enough to show confidence to establish trust. However over-confidence can destroy trust. It is a fine line. Well-mannered, attentive, on-time, positive, appropriateness and sincerity go a long ways. Fortunately you do not have to sign up for a course or class, but simply google making a great impression to find numerous sites with free and priceless information. The difficulty lies in finding out what others have said about you and what information they already know. That means investigating. So that takes care of the first impression. The key is keeping a great impression. Once that you have landed that deal or sold that house or secured that client your impression skills are not locked in. You must expand that impression that they made the correct choice and that you truly value them. You do that in your words with a letter or note or a phone call. You do it in your actions with making face to face timely visits when possible. And you are sure to spend a few bucks to maintain that impression. It might be with food or gifts, and not just holiday anticipated gifts. When you first land the sale follow up with something. My neighbor is a real estate agent and used to send a restaurant gift card to her clients after the closing. He now walks into the closing with an impressive and festive gift basket from Baskets by Rita. He already knows the client, so whether it's a beer tub, wine gift basket, gourmet gift basket he pays the money for it to be a wow factor and make the tremendous impression as he walks through the door. He said the day he came into the room with a baby gift basket for the couple about to become parents they were so excited. Lasting impressions have benefits and he says that the wow factor and the oohs and aahhhs he gets from them carry through. As they thank him as they are leaving, he mentions he would appreciate any referrals they would send his way. When they refer, he has another gift basket sent to their house. He claims this impression has definitely increased his client list. So good impressions are important.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Making a Good Impression goes a long ways!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Key to a Successful Business
A head of a business in the Colorado area provided an interview to a friend's son, a graduate business student, planning his thesis. The young man asked questions about marketing, budgeting, and the very best market strategies. The talk and questions also including corporate hurdles and challenges, protecting assets and the problems and practices in increasing sales. The CEO confessed that managing a firm's long-term investments had always been at the core of his energy and determining stakeholders was pivotal. Weighing possibilities in every aspect was his solution to the question about best decision-making practice. The 60 minute interview was almost over when the graduate asked his last question about what was the greatest liability and what was the greatest asset in the company. After bumbling through a list of financial jargon, the CEO stopped abruptly and thought carefully before saying that all of that was secondary because the employees could be the greatest asset or they could be the greatest liability. The people working for you can make or break the company. Simple as that. The CEO then took our friend's son out to lunch and they continued to discussion. The conversation included examples from the CEO's experience when he worked at a restaurant through college and when he managed various establishments. He had many examples of how good workers actually made the company money and the managers and owners did not always know it or recognize it. At the same moment, a impolite or incompetent or an employee with a bad attitude could ruin not only the sale at the time, but later. They discussed about the television show Undercover Bosses where CEOs pretend to be new employees on the ground level for a week to actually get some in field experience and insight. The CEO admitted that he had thought of doing that. The two of them throughout lunch talked about different episodes and came to the realization that employees do make or break a company. And usually what they want most even more than money or raises is to be treated respectfully and to have their efforts acknowledged. They want a thank you of some kind whether it be just a sincere thanks, a gift card, money, a promotion of a gift. The graduate shared that his mom who had been an administrative assistant had just resign her job the week before saying she had just had enough. Her boss not only did not see what she had done but did not seem to care about rewarding anyone. When she suggested he give gift cards he said that was fine but she would have to give them and write the note and he put her on a small budget. After a year she suggested they give time off to employees but he refused saying. She observed morale was really low and he did agree and she was to come up with something. She told him to come into the next morning meeting, which employees hated, with food. He told her to get some cheap donuts from the bakery. She started just standing up to him and said no, he needed to spend some bucks and get quality pastries or food and quality coffee boxes from the Panera Bread down the street. He assigned her to do it and to be sure it was there on time. It worked and employees liked it. She needed a different idea for the mid afternoon meetings. So when she saw the huge basket delivered next door with all kinds of treats for employees she was impressed and contacted the basket company, Baskets by Rita. For the same money they put together a Tea Thank You Gift Basket with goodies to put in the break room for everyone to enjoy. It was huge and they delivered it to her that day. The boss walked in with the huge basket and there were cheers from the once tired employees. The student made an appointment the next day with his adviser to change his thesis topic to center on the importance of gratitude and recognition for employees contending that they are the most valuable long term investment.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Football Beer Gift Tubs for a fan!
Frustrated with the replacement refs? It is football time again and for those of us who cherish football we live for this time of year. Not only is it wonderful weather to go to games but we begrudge the fact it has been a prolonged dry season in the sporting world since Superbowl time last year. Hopefully each of us is looking at the teams, playing fantasy football and making predictions. For guys it supplies a piece of conversation for any place we find ourselves. There is also the strange and best hopes for our preferred football team to do well this season. Everybody seems to be talking about the replacement refs and how soon will normal football refs be back on the fields. It is way too easy to get so upset about it that you find yourself ranting and raving. That is what has been happening at my residence. I whine and moan and groan and am quick tempered with my wife and she does not warrant that. She is such a great football wife that to get upset is not the way she handles things. She astonishingly uses good will and humor. I am so fortunate. After this weekend and my terrible mood I did not rightfully deserve to get anything for my birthday yesterday. I was in Denver and she had a beer tub gift from Baskets by Rita delivered to my hotel. Since one of my favorite teams was the Denver Broncos the tub she ordered was a Bronco one and she wrote a fantastic message using her awesome humor to help get me level-headed. It was wonderful. I called her and made the decision to have flowers sent the next day. I always do that. So since I'm gone for a week, I called the lady at baskets by Rita and she's sending a gourmet wine basket to my wife. Good move on my part because my wife will not expect it. Us guys are not very creative or good about gifts but I am really darn happy and pleased with myself. My dad is a diehard Green Bay Packers fan so I sent him a sympathy basket. He will love it and really get a kick out of it. My stepmother was raised and is loyal to the Giants, have been raised in NYC, so I'm having a Congratulations basket sent to her arriving the same day. Can hardly wait to talk to my parents. They are always coming up with gifts and ways to help my wife and me so this would be excellent. This ref strike has certainly got everyone talking. The good news is that it gives individuals something else to talk about besides politics. Our secretary really gets on all of us though and she says we should be feeling sorry for those poor replacement refs. Without them we couldn't watch any football at all. I guess that is true because) they don't have the training and we should probably be offering them some thanks. So since I have done my part I think people who know any replacement refs should give them some sympathy and probably send a good luck gift.
About Me
- Baskets by Rita
- I am a Colorado native and I graduated from Regis University. I worked for Hewlett-Packard for 18 years in Human Resources. I purchased Baskets by Rita and I am enjoying applying my corporate knowledge to improve this company.