The best two strategies for corporate clever gift giving at holiday time: send out a gift with that is impressive and not gift cards and make yours the first gift your patron or perspective clients or clientele will receive. Top two mistakes for firm gift giving at holiday time are: Not getting the gift promptly enough and giving gift cards or gift certificates. Let's begin with screw ups.... Not preparing/tardiness. By sending it late your gift gets mixed up with all the others in a mound or in the break room and people are likely to forget what they got from who. The cards get mixed up and in the haste and hustle and bustle in the days before Dec. 25 your gift is lost and you have lost money already. Administrative assistants are usually in the position of giving the holiday corporate gifts and bosses, you need to pay attention.! Don't come to your administrative assistant at the last moment and expect her or him to work amazing things...lateness on your part should not be an problem on their part. You are putting them in a really challenging situation to scavenge and locate last minute products or gifts and to get them mailed. Many times gift companies, especially holiday basket companies like Baskets by Rita in Aurora are flooded with last minute frantic requests. This year seems like a good one so don't be shocked if local and nationwide basket and food companies run out of stock. Your secretary will be squandering time and spending way too much time on your late gift giving task and it not only will worry them out but take away from their typical duties. The remedy to last minute gift giving difficulties is to plan early. Give them a chance to make an order and get the gift at the price point you want to spend. Did you know that most people and companies who procrastinate end up spending a lot more than they had attended? The items they wanted are sold out and they have to take what is remaining even if it costs more. So the two pitfalls or errors with mailing it late or the problem itself and the cost of spending too much money and more importantly the less positive impact for your money. So what do you do? First of all in timeliness, give your administrative assistant a budget and time to make the order. Be sure it comes as soon after Thanksgiving as possible to have that really positive effect at your clients and customers businesses. Secondly, fore go the gift card and gift certificate plan. Those have been preferred in the past but in past years everyone gets and gives gift cards and they have lost their appeal and impact. It also is the easiest way to shows they weren't worth the time or energy or they were a last minute gift thought. Gift certificates to restaurants have worked in the past too except someone is now responsible to order the food and go get it. Choose a gift that comes with a cheerful wow isn't that great or how nice or isn't that pretty. These days people buy practically what they want, so send a gift that comes with bling and a bow and the gift basket is probably your very best. Check out local places where you can probably just go and pick them up to save shipping costs. In Denver or Colorado Baskets by Rita in Aurora is a good start.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Holiday Corporate Gift Strategies
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Warning! "Out of Stock" means failure for business this holiday season!
This holiday season I will plan to send out corporate holiday gifts soon. Horror story. Last season I thought there was no hurry and that I would get real deals by waiting until mid December to order gifts for my clients. Client gifts of thankfulness for their business is extremely important and if you fail to send a holiday gift you have botched the regular gift that has come to be expected yearly. Don't forget how important and necessary these gratitude tokens are. Three years ago I decided to skip the gifts because of a budget crunch. Thinking it made very little or no difference I felt quite dapper about the amount of money and time and hassle I would save for this extra meaningless expenditure. Was I ever incorrect. In fact many of us were wrong. The other company people I meet with weekly all talked it over and were in agreement that one year couldn't make that much difference and we were quite smug about our money saving strategy. In my business my major competitor is someone who has tried to get my clients but I've always received their allegiance. Unfortunately for me he made the decision to take the risk and send out gifts early. The next year I found I was losing some of my clients because they had decided to take a look at other corporations that could deliver the same or equivalent service. As we called on new clients many of them had already signed up with the rival companies and my laid back and secure style that I would easily keep clients was slipping away. I had to work really hard to keep the clients I had and put in a lot of time and effort for the next few years to get some of my original companies loyalties back. Maybe it wasn't just the holiday present, but the next year I took note. Listening and asking questions of good friends and relatives about what made them loyal and things that made a change I noted that follow up letters of thanks,cell phone calls, and gifts aren't just tokens they are are reminders and stamps of confidence for the clients. So two years ago I made sure I had money for gifts at holiday time budgeted. I started looking for gift ideas and sent them out the first of December. What I noticed was that I immediately got cards and calls from clients. They loved them plus mine were the first gifts to arrive at their business office. My secretary and I were talking and she pointed out the gift we got at Thanksgiving one year with the note that here's your first holiday gift to delight in. Since it was the first and only gift at that time it did make a big difference. Most gifts of food, gifts baskets, and cards come that last week before December 25 and although we appreciate them they sometimes get tossed in and mixed up and we can't remember exactly who gave what. Besides personnel are bringing in treats and food for each other all week. So my secretary and I started talking and analyzing that the first gifts that come in are the most recognized and appreciated and you normally remember them. That brings me to our strategy for this year. We have already contacted a basket business to send out holiday gift baskets to be delivered no later than December l. Why? Because last year we thought we'd purchase them later and they were sold out of the one we really wanted. Since we have clients in 10 states we had failed to note that many would not arrive on time because of shipping days needed. We gave up after checking about sending flower arrangements or poinsettias which seemed useless for a few days in the office. As a last resort we scrambled to get gift cards for local restaurants or bakeries near each client. It took way too much time. We were able to find some gift cards in food market, but they were not the right denomination. We also felt uneasy that the exact amount we were spending was totally obvious, putting a dollar value on the client. But we got the cards sent out. It was fine and at least we sent a gift. However one of the more vocal and brazenly honest secretaries called to thank us and did say she preferred the gift baskets because she was the one who had to order and go to the bistro to bring back what was ordered with the gift card. She also made it clear that to feed everyone they had to add more money. Yikes, not a good idea. This year I called Baskets by Rita the first of October and placed my order for gourmet gift baskets and Colorado gift baskets to be delivered just before Thanksgiving so they will arrive that first week of December. They explained to me that they have to order all holiday products in August and September to have enough stock to not run out additionally suppliers run out early. We're feeling really smug. Our clients will know these are gifts of appreciation, there are food items to be shared by all, they come packaged stunningly giving that WOW factor and our card and gift will be the first one they get and will be hanging around the break room all holiday season. It won't get lost with all the other gifts. Since there is not a dollar amount attached you are not blatantly telling them what money amount they are worth. Plus my secretary is so happy because this is a slower time for us and she was able to make all preparations in a more relaxed way. We discovered another money-saving hint for giving holiday gifts. We will have baskets shipped to 9 other states, but the majority are in the Denver area. My secretary has arranged to save some of the shipping and delivery costs by going to pick up most of the Beary Christmas Box and deliver many herself. We've added a wine and cheese FAC the first Saturday in December in our office for clients and we'll give most of them out then. If not, it would be good for me to take them and give them myself and make the personal call. The morale of the story is do not underestimate the power of the holiday appreciation gift and order early.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Making a Good Impression goes a long ways!
Making a awesome first impression is at the heart of management and job skill musts. Whether you are applying for a job or managing a assignment it is a strategy tool that ranks among the most critical. You want to get off to a excellent start. One article contends that within 3 seconds someone evaluates you by your appearance, your body language, you mannerisms, and the way you present yourself. We make impressions by our actions, what we say and by what others say about us. To make a great impression you must know what was said about you or how you are seen. If it is good you come with a good track record. If it was not you have a opportunity to change that impression. How you present yourself IS the impression. That first impression must be effective enough to show confidence to establish trust. However over-confidence can destroy trust. It is a fine line. Well-mannered, attentive, on-time, positive, appropriateness and sincerity go a long ways. Fortunately you do not have to sign up for a course or class, but simply google making a great impression to find numerous sites with free and priceless information. The difficulty lies in finding out what others have said about you and what information they already know. That means investigating. So that takes care of the first impression. The key is keeping a great impression. Once that you have landed that deal or sold that house or secured that client your impression skills are not locked in. You must expand that impression that they made the correct choice and that you truly value them. You do that in your words with a letter or note or a phone call. You do it in your actions with making face to face timely visits when possible. And you are sure to spend a few bucks to maintain that impression. It might be with food or gifts, and not just holiday anticipated gifts. When you first land the sale follow up with something. My neighbor is a real estate agent and used to send a restaurant gift card to her clients after the closing. He now walks into the closing with an impressive and festive gift basket from Baskets by Rita. He already knows the client, so whether it's a beer tub, wine gift basket, gourmet gift basket he pays the money for it to be a wow factor and make the tremendous impression as he walks through the door. He said the day he came into the room with a baby gift basket for the couple about to become parents they were so excited. Lasting impressions have benefits and he says that the wow factor and the oohs and aahhhs he gets from them carry through. As they thank him as they are leaving, he mentions he would appreciate any referrals they would send his way. When they refer, he has another gift basket sent to their house. He claims this impression has definitely increased his client list. So good impressions are important.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Key to a Successful Business
A head of a business in the Colorado area provided an interview to a friend's son, a graduate business student, planning his thesis. The young man asked questions about marketing, budgeting, and the very best market strategies. The talk and questions also including corporate hurdles and challenges, protecting assets and the problems and practices in increasing sales. The CEO confessed that managing a firm's long-term investments had always been at the core of his energy and determining stakeholders was pivotal. Weighing possibilities in every aspect was his solution to the question about best decision-making practice. The 60 minute interview was almost over when the graduate asked his last question about what was the greatest liability and what was the greatest asset in the company. After bumbling through a list of financial jargon, the CEO stopped abruptly and thought carefully before saying that all of that was secondary because the employees could be the greatest asset or they could be the greatest liability. The people working for you can make or break the company. Simple as that. The CEO then took our friend's son out to lunch and they continued to discussion. The conversation included examples from the CEO's experience when he worked at a restaurant through college and when he managed various establishments. He had many examples of how good workers actually made the company money and the managers and owners did not always know it or recognize it. At the same moment, a impolite or incompetent or an employee with a bad attitude could ruin not only the sale at the time, but later. They discussed about the television show Undercover Bosses where CEOs pretend to be new employees on the ground level for a week to actually get some in field experience and insight. The CEO admitted that he had thought of doing that. The two of them throughout lunch talked about different episodes and came to the realization that employees do make or break a company. And usually what they want most even more than money or raises is to be treated respectfully and to have their efforts acknowledged. They want a thank you of some kind whether it be just a sincere thanks, a gift card, money, a promotion of a gift. The graduate shared that his mom who had been an administrative assistant had just resign her job the week before saying she had just had enough. Her boss not only did not see what she had done but did not seem to care about rewarding anyone. When she suggested he give gift cards he said that was fine but she would have to give them and write the note and he put her on a small budget. After a year she suggested they give time off to employees but he refused saying. She observed morale was really low and he did agree and she was to come up with something. She told him to come into the next morning meeting, which employees hated, with food. He told her to get some cheap donuts from the bakery. She started just standing up to him and said no, he needed to spend some bucks and get quality pastries or food and quality coffee boxes from the Panera Bread down the street. He assigned her to do it and to be sure it was there on time. It worked and employees liked it. She needed a different idea for the mid afternoon meetings. So when she saw the huge basket delivered next door with all kinds of treats for employees she was impressed and contacted the basket company, Baskets by Rita. For the same money they put together a Tea Thank You Gift Basket with goodies to put in the break room for everyone to enjoy. It was huge and they delivered it to her that day. The boss walked in with the huge basket and there were cheers from the once tired employees. The student made an appointment the next day with his adviser to change his thesis topic to center on the importance of gratitude and recognition for employees contending that they are the most valuable long term investment.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Football Beer Gift Tubs for a fan!
Frustrated with the replacement refs? It is football time again and for those of us who cherish football we live for this time of year. Not only is it wonderful weather to go to games but we begrudge the fact it has been a prolonged dry season in the sporting world since Superbowl time last year. Hopefully each of us is looking at the teams, playing fantasy football and making predictions. For guys it supplies a piece of conversation for any place we find ourselves. There is also the strange and best hopes for our preferred football team to do well this season. Everybody seems to be talking about the replacement refs and how soon will normal football refs be back on the fields. It is way too easy to get so upset about it that you find yourself ranting and raving. That is what has been happening at my residence. I whine and moan and groan and am quick tempered with my wife and she does not warrant that. She is such a great football wife that to get upset is not the way she handles things. She astonishingly uses good will and humor. I am so fortunate. After this weekend and my terrible mood I did not rightfully deserve to get anything for my birthday yesterday. I was in Denver and she had a beer tub gift from Baskets by Rita delivered to my hotel. Since one of my favorite teams was the Denver Broncos the tub she ordered was a Bronco one and she wrote a fantastic message using her awesome humor to help get me level-headed. It was wonderful. I called her and made the decision to have flowers sent the next day. I always do that. So since I'm gone for a week, I called the lady at baskets by Rita and she's sending a gourmet wine basket to my wife. Good move on my part because my wife will not expect it. Us guys are not very creative or good about gifts but I am really darn happy and pleased with myself. My dad is a diehard Green Bay Packers fan so I sent him a sympathy basket. He will love it and really get a kick out of it. My stepmother was raised and is loyal to the Giants, have been raised in NYC, so I'm having a Congratulations basket sent to her arriving the same day. Can hardly wait to talk to my parents. They are always coming up with gifts and ways to help my wife and me so this would be excellent. This ref strike has certainly got everyone talking. The good news is that it gives individuals something else to talk about besides politics. Our secretary really gets on all of us though and she says we should be feeling sorry for those poor replacement refs. Without them we couldn't watch any football at all. I guess that is true because) they don't have the training and we should probably be offering them some thanks. So since I have done my part I think people who know any replacement refs should give them some sympathy and probably send a good luck gift.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Cute baby gift
Excellent tip for mailing a unique, cute, adorable and unusual baby gift is to order a baby girl or baby boy welcome wagon. The cute little red wagons carry lots of baby gift goods that are pragmatic for recently born babies. Knowing that it is always fun to send something different for the new baby is a challenge. Usually individuals call the hospital gift shop for the same, boring gifts they have. They have the usual blue and pink floral arrangements which are nice but do not last and are tricky to transport home. That type of baby gift is soon forgotten. They also have baby gift baskets but you may find that the parents have already received at least one or more from the hospital gift shop. Asking the gift shop worker does not assure you that visitors have popped into the gift shop and procured the same gift. I was embarrassed to stop in and order a cute basket and went up to her room to see two matching baskets from other people. That meant I had to go back down and switch it for something really common in the gift shop. The most horrible part was that it definitely took the thrill of my gift giving away. They were apologetic as was I apologetic and embarrassed. When the the gift shop clerk just rolled her eyes about wanting to exchange it, I had just had it and told her I wanted a refund. In the parking lot of the Denver hospital I met a guy and lady carrying in these adorable pink baby girl and blue baby boy gift red wagons. That is exactly what I had wanted to walk in with something that caused the couple to ooh and aah about. I just flat out stopped them and asked where they got them. They had ordered them from a basket store near the Denver hospital called Baskets by Rita. Cut little welcome baby wagon that were the best birth gift. They were definitely different baby gifts and pragmatic and enjoyable. They told me Baskets by Rita also has a big brother/sister line of baskets that they gave one time. I got on my iphone and instantly called Baskets by Rita and ordered one of the little red wagon as a baby welcome gift for the newborn baby. It was painless to arrange to have it delivered to their house when they got home from the hospital. When they got home with the new baby and got the, they immediately called me and said I just had to come over to see the new baby and the adorable wagon. So from now on the hospital gift shop will not be my first selection for sending gifts or flowers.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Are you hosting a Conference in Denver?
Corporate seminars are not cheap. They can make a big impact and detailed planning is instrumental. Not only are thecorporate meetings expensive for the presenter, but also for the attendees. Participants and companies are not easily parted with their dough and they want to be guaranteed and reassured that they have devoted their time and funds well. Post assessments show that little details make a major difference. Throwing a conference or convention together without concentration to the littlest details can spell disaster. So the steps to take as a promoter and host for the conference/convention are to find a great destination. Knowing your would-be attendees is major whether you choose a location that is a short distance for them to drive or choosing a great getaway for companies to check out and experience a new city. Check out the cost of the building and ask for details. Do not choose busy times of the year for holidays, family vacations or a busy time for the businesses focused. For example, as retailers do their buying for summer sports equipment, late spring and early summer or not the time to entice them. They are preoccupied and they have already bought their items for the year. Next you must look at the schedule to be sure the timing is good. If you overbook they may not have free time to enjoy themselves. If you do not offer ample workshops or variable schedules of interest, they will not feel they gained anything from the conference or convention. Try to get a keynote speaker or two to draw a crowd. Advertise early to get them to lock into your event first on their calendars. It even works to offer a discount inducement for early signup. Do assign an pro to offer all information the convention goer will need from airport transportation to hotel registration and maps. Of course your serious concern will be the conference content itself. So plan to keep it going, keep it efficient, keep it exciting. It is better to have more short sessions with question/answer free time to chat and interact than to have participants leaving lengthy sessions because they are tired or feel they are hearing repetitive data. The first impact will make a enormous difference. Efficiency and getting information to help airport/hotel/conference center logistics run smoothly will set off the tone of the convention. It is also important that when they arrive there are lots of welcome folks available to set that upbeat optimistic tone and answer questions. The sign-up table should include all the info they will need. And you always must be willing to put out the money for freebies. Our company attended a conference in a small city in a mid-western town. It was obvious they were trying to save money and got the conference center and food cheap. We paid a alot for a rental car to drive the 2 hours to the locations and stay in a small 2 star hotel/motel conference center. The pretzels and vats of bad coffee set the tone for a lengthy two days ahead. The next year we chose to go to the Denver Convention Center and what a difference. Flying into DIA was so impressive with those attractive mountains as a backdrop. Our hotel was attached to center and there were all kinds of restaurants, night life, shopping nearby. We found a cool Colorado Gift Box from a local basket company in Aurora. It was a box with all sorts of Colorado snacks. That convention rocked and we will go again next year.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Out of the Ordinary birthday gift
All my family know that they will get either beer, a bottle of wine or flowers I grabbed on the way to see them. It was successful for a while, but now it seems to be just too probable. Looking for a totally different birthday gifts can take a lot of time. Today I went looking for my best good friend which should be easy. I know exactly what he will like so it should have been very easy. I ended up just running to a big box store and buying a gift card. They used to have small cool wooden crate type things to put the gift card in but not anymore. So that was adequate but really dull. Last Sunday my spouse was out of town and asked me to run out and get things to put in a basket for her cousin who was bringing her daughter to Colorado to start college. My wife emailed me a list of all the products to buy for the basket so I went to find it. She puts in mostly Colorado products like candies, potato chips, salsa, tortilla chips, nuts, Colorado water, tea, coffee, beef jerky, cheese, crackers, and honey sticks. First I could not find a basket in the supermarket and only a few of the goods. I finally gave up because it was taking forever to look and be sure I had Colorado made foods. My neighbor was also shopping and I revealed my frustration when she suggested just going to our business district and going into the large home specialty store and having them help me. I did that and it was helpful but I was shocked at how much it expense, including the basket. They proposed to help me put it all together in the basket and put on a nice big bow. It looked great and my wife was not surprised at the cost of buying the things there. She goes to 7 or 8 different places to buy all the merchandise and saves about twenty dollars. Now that is just way too much effort. An better way is just to go online and find a gift basket shop that will do it and deliver it. My wife and I argued over the cost, so to demonstrate my point I found a several of baskets at Baskets by Rita which is a Colorado based company. They have a Colorado wooden crate that is cooler than typical baskets. Even after the delivery cost, it turned out it was cheaper than us doing it ourselves. So getting back to the birthday gift idea I saw the crate and decided to order one and have it delivered to my house so I could see how it looked. It came and was great. My wife and I agreed that they do a much more professional job of putting it together and it looks amazing. Plus it turned out to be more affordable than doing it ourselves. They have a great selection so that is my plan from now on when buying Birthday Gift Baskets.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Back to School
Hard to believe that school is almost starting since August has already arrived. Summer goes fast. Children are back in college and for me it is hardest to say goodbye to the kids who are my relatives who are going back to college. It was so fun to see them all summer and now some are packing up getting ready to go to school. Most of the kids I know go to Colorado State University in Fort Collins or Colorado University in Boulder. Two are going to Colorado College in Colorado Springs. Actually there are two of my cousins kids who are coming to schools in Colorado. My neighbor is making up little gift bags for each kid with cookies and goodies from the grocery store to assist get them stocked up for dorm life. She has bought chips, dip, candy, nuts, and snacks and put them into a bucket. They turned out pretty cute. When I asked her how much it cost she said she had no idea. I had a tough time finding a bucket and filling it with stuff to look good. It just did not seem like enough. Then I started adding up the cost because I knew I needed to go buy more stuff to make it look good. I just that wow factor for college students when they get to school. I know they may be a bit homesick and this is the nicest thing I can do for them and probably more for their parents. Shoving the stuff in the bucket is alright and it gets the job done. After making two of the buckets my next door neighbor suggested I check out Snack Gift Baskets. She shared with me this after she was surprised at how much I had spent on each gift. Her agency uses Baskets by Rita for all the gift baskets they send to visiting clients. There are great wooden crates with mountains and the word Colorado on them filled with products from Colorado. After checking out the website of Baskets by Rita I do not dare tell my hubby that I actually could have sent a Colorado crate for the same price or even cheaper than I spent on my own.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Aurora, we love you!
! After the shooting tragedy in Aurora Colorado we are at a loss for what to do or how to help. Aurora is a suburb of Denver. We are all feeling such sorrow and send our sympathy and best wishes and best hope for healing to that whole community. The shooting attracted national news and what a devastating tragedy. I am so sorry and want to do something to support. The Aurora police department must be amazing with what they are dealing with. They made it to the scene in 90 seconds. People and businesses in Aurora must be comforted to know the department responds so quickly. Plus what must those heroes from the police department and all the medical facilities in Aurora Colorado feel now as they work to save lives and keep people protected. You cannot put a price tag on that kind of help. A group of friends yesterday had a talk and we all decided to do something. Some are sending cards and others of us need to do something far more personal to help our own sense of healing the emotional wounds. My cousin is going to send some kind of food coupons and my neighbor is sending flowers with a message. My brother is a small business owner and suggested we find neighborhood Aurora Colorado businesses to support since they must really feel the impact. So we are going online to find coffee shops, pizza places, florists, etc. I was going to place an online order to an Aurora company Baskets by Rita to send a Bereavement Gift Basket to be shared by everyone.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Remember, Aurora!
After the shooting tragedy in Aurora Colorado we are at a loss for what to do or how to help. Aurora is a suburb of Denver. We are all feeling such grief and send our sympathy and best wishes and best hope for recovery to that whole community. The shooting attracted national news and what a devastating tragedy. I am so sorry and want to do something to help. The Aurora police department must be amazing with what they are dealing with. They made it to the scene in 90 seconds. People and businesses in Aurora must be comforted to know the department replies so quickly. Plus what must those heroes from the police department and all the medical facilities in Aurora Colorado feel now as they work to save lives and keep people protected. You cannot put a price tag on that kind of support. A few of friends yesterday had a discussion and we all decided to do something. Some are sending cards and others of us want to do something far more personal to aid our own sense of healing the emotional wounds. My cousin is going to send some kind of food coupons and my neighbor is sending flowers with a message. My brother is a small business owner and suggested we find nearby Aurora Colorado businesses to support since they must really feel the impact. So we are going online to find coffee shops, pizza places, florists, etc. I was going to place an online order to an Aurora company Baskets by Rita to send a Comfort Gift Basket to be shared by everyone.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Celebrating Spring
If you treasure these characteristics of spring to the extent that I do, why don't you share in your happiness with your friends and family? Deliver an Easter basket to a distant friend, a relative in another town, or your children. Put together a basket that encompasses one of the above mentioned topics. What about sending a basket full of healthy snacks or put your present in a "green" box? You could also display gratitude for your numerous blessings by sending a gift packed full of items that give to charity. If you do not have enough time or the expertise to arrange a basket yourself, why not allow Baskets By Rita come up with a great gift for you. For the whole year Baskets By Rita is going to make monthly donations to Colorado non-profit organizations of their clients' choice. Order a A Survival Gift Basket . Our themed survival gift basket is a perfect gift to help shed the stress of the season. High quality split willow with rope basket with double drop handles. A nice assortment of satisfying goodies to give you energy. Send a wish for a relaxation with this great thoughtful gift basket. Perfect for any college student, BAR exam taker or a CPA at tax time. Monster energy drink, Starbuck's Frappuccino drink, Coffee, PowerBar, Lara bar, trail mix, chocolate bar, Jelly Belly sports beans, kettle potato chips, Tylenol packet, and cookies. Gift giving is always rewarding, so why not do something else to supercharge your jolly spirits?
Friday, March 16, 2012
Easter baskets for Boys
Easter Baskets for boy of all ages are great gifts to send on Easter Sunday.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Bunny Tales And Easter Eggs
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
valentine gifts in Fort Collins
Sunday, January 15, 2012
A Valentine's Day Reminder For Guys
A Valentine's Day Reflection Love... likely the most potent word in any language. This tiny four letter word has sparked conflict, betrayal, and insanity, but it has also been the cause of tranquility, unanticipated thrills, and unparalleled imagination. How does it come to be that a thing that should be so wonderful can steer us to such evil? The French, well-known for romance, have many fascinating love stories to tell. For example, the story of the sculptor Rodin and his sweetheart Camille Claudel. Claudel sculpted for Rodin when they began their affair. His unwillingness to leave his wife for her drove Claudel insane and she smashed A good deal of her pieces of art during periods of paranoia which was a result of her schizophrenia. Claudel spent the last 30 years of her life in a hospital. How can a thing that can direct a person to such intense levels of grief be the one thing that we all seek out in this world? However, let us consider another french couple. Voltaire and Emilie du Chatelet shared a 15 year long love affair which was frowned upon by the public, but allowed by Chatelet's husband, the Marquis Florent-Claude du Chatelet. Chatelet and Voltaire shared a healthy intellectual link and spent time philosophizing together, gathering books for their library, and offering suggestions on each other's findings in mathematics and science. Their shared values and dedication to each other fueled their love even after her death. Upon her death, Voltaire wrote of Chatelet, "It is not a mistress I have lost but half of myself, a soul for which my soul seems to have been made." Regardless of her arranged marriage to the Marquis, the relationship between Chatelet and Voltaire was accepted and not envied. They were the subject of disdain but were allowed to live their lives together in shared respect. Their story demonstrates love in its ideal form. In my mind, love is the only thing worth living for. Whether it's love of family, love of one particular thing, or love for a companion, without love life is insignificant. Perhaps that is why love can push us to such extreme limits. For many, love is worth dying for. For other people, it is worth living for. As Valentine's Day approaches love is on everyone's minds. I wish you all a blissful love story packed with all the best love may bring and none of the worst. This Valentine's Day, reveal your love with a Gourmet Chocolate Gift Basket from Baskets By Rita.A Chocolate Gift Basket from top to bottom. This beautiful faux leather file box, which is very functional and reusable container is overflowing with milk chocolate dark chocolate assorted truffles, Ghirardelli chocolates, Chocolove bar, fresh baked brownie, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate coffee beans and fruit dipped chocolates. Send our chocolate lovers gift baskets to along with your best wishes for any occasion. We all need a small reminder occasionally of exactly how much we are loved. If you like this blog, be sure to forward it on via Twitter or Facebook. Thanks a bunch!
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About Me
- Baskets by Rita
- I am a Colorado native and I graduated from Regis University. I worked for Hewlett-Packard for 18 years in Human Resources. I purchased Baskets by Rita and I am enjoying applying my corporate knowledge to improve this company.