Thursday, February 25, 2010

Eco friendly choices around the holiday

Let’s consider behaviors to be green for the holiday this season. Everyone is  to get on the band wagon of going green. Not only is it good for the economy but it is also beneficial for the pocket book. In the year of economic downturn and this eco friendly mind set let’s brainstorm various ways to be green and save money.

Buy a live tree or even a artificial Christmas tree. Live trees can be plant and enjoyed for years. If you don’t have a yard for planting one then get an artificial one you can use over and over again.

If you put up Christmas lights purchase led lights if you have the funds . If not, then be sure to have your lights on a timer and only run them from sunset until you go to bed. No need lighting up the nighttime when no one is out to enjoy them.

Wrap your presents it recycled paper and decorate them with old ribbon and sparkles. You can also do what we have done for a long time, and wrap your gifts in cloth bags that can used year after year. The drawback of these bags is that they are easy to open so someone could peek if they actually wanted to.

Purchase greeting card printed on recycled paper.  You could even forgo the snail mail this year and send e-card as a substitute.

Eco friendly colorado holiday gift bag
Avoid shopping at malls this year. Driving all over town trying to find the perfect gift wastes valuable time and money. You can shopping on line and even buy from local companies in the process. Mull over gift that you feel confident they will use, need and enjoy. Everyone enjoys high quality food and everyone has to eat so think about giving a gourmet food gift. Now take this one step further and decide on a gourmet food gift that comes in an eco-friendly shopping bag. These awesome bags come in reusable nylon or 100% recycled reusable. The nylon bag becomes a little rolls for easy convenient carrying in your car.  The 100% recycled bag doesn’t use any new materials to construct. They are both practical choices. I found that Basketsbyrita offers Eco Friendly Gourmet Holiday Gift Bag and an Eco-Friendly Colorado Holiday Gift.  Your holiday shopping just got eco-friendly since you shopped on line, got something useful, did something that was good for the environment and your recipient will love it. Done! Happy Holidays.

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About Me

I am a Colorado native and I graduated from Regis University. I worked for Hewlett-Packard for 18 years in Human Resources. I purchased Baskets by Rita and I am enjoying applying my corporate knowledge to improve this company.